October 01, 2009: For me, Fall is the one of the most anticipated seasons of the year. Having never visited the New England states, it seemed reasonable to time it with the peak in fall colors. It's true that the weather can change rapidly and it becomes increasingly cooler especially at night and in the early morning. Water temperatures are falling precipitously, daylight hours are shrinking rapidly, and the curtains have closed on most campgrounds and many motels, especially in the remote areas which I prefer to visit. This is playing out to be a significant factor which I had not anticipated well enough. What this has meant is a lot more nights in motels, and lot less photographic opportunities than I would like.
October 01, 2009: Since the weather has been so bad, I decided to forego Acadia National Park and the Bar Harbor area in hopes of better weather coming back and besides, peak foliage is still a week or two away in this region. So, a quick visit to the local police station in Ellsworth, Maine to check my weapon for passage into Canada and I high-tailed it up the coast in an effort to outrun the storm. Fat chance of that.....haaaaaaaaaaa.
I traveled up state Hwy 189 in the Northeastern most corner of the United States through Lubec, Maine, across the bridge onto Campobello Island with intentions to ferry across Passamaquoddy Bay to mainland New Brunswich. From there, I was to make my way to St. Johns and ferry across to Nova Scotia. As luck would have it, I hadn't checked the ferry schedule well enough and arrived to find it had closed for the season a day earlier. So, I backtrack into the storm in seek of an alternative northern route and 60 miles later, cross into Canada at Calais Maine.
Mack, I sure am glad that you are making this trek....it will be much easier on your friend, when they get the opportunity to make that ride. Always good to have a scout....ride safe.